Other resources:
Module III
"A failure is not always a mistake, it may simply be the best one can do under the circumstances. The real mistake is to stop trying."
Cognitive Distortions in Cognitive Behavioral-Therapy
Shame neither encourages nor motivates positive behavior change. Guilt is underrated (article from Psychology Today)
Illuminating cartoon (Calvin and Hobbes 1)

Another illuminating cartoon (Calvin and Hobbes 2)

'Three things I learned while my plane crashed"
(TED talk by Ric Elias)
Click on image to see video
Article on physician burnout
(The New England Journal of Medicine)
"I feel odd". Spanish comedy
Click on image to see video
For subtitles in English, go to YouTube settings, choose auto-translate and English as the language.
"Japanese broken bowls"
Click on image to see video
"Money Suit Social Experiment." What you REALLY need
Click on image to see video
The tyranny of relentless positivity. Web article
Includes link to video of TED talk by Susan David "the gift and power of emotional courage"
"What do you practice?"
Click on image to see video

On being an Eagle, by Anthony de Mello
New York Times article on happiness being internal vs. external
Will Smith talking about Fault and Responsibility
Click on image to see video
The (self-)compassion to conquer: video on this web's home page
Go to home page or click on image to see video
Video version of Shantideva's quote: "If there is nothing we can do, what use is worry? And if there's something we can do, we have no reason to worry."
Click on image to see video
Perspective on hardship: How do lobsters grow
Click on image to see video
"Brave", song by Sara Bareilles, a celebration of honesty
Click on image to see video
"I've changed", song by Josh Joplin on reconsidering our needs to bring ourselves more peace
Click on image to see video